
The Arcade Champagne Tour

Please join us for a unique opportunity to experience a Champagne Tour of the Dayton Arcade on July 14 - July 16th. This event will feature live performances, a guided tour of this iconic building, light appetizers, and a champagne toast in the Rotunda. Two champagne tours are scheduled for each evening, and each will run for approximately 90 minutes. ...

Arcade Market Day

Come eat, shop, and be inspired! This month's market will have a Dayton Celtic Knot Festival flair featuring live Irish entertainment throughout the day.

Art in the City “Afterparty”

After you’ve wrapped up your week, join us for an Afterparty! The AfterpARTy at the Arcade is a ticketed evening soirée. General Admission tickets grant you access to the party in the Rotunda starting at 8pm. Guests will be treated to a mix of hors d'oeuvres from our preferred caterers at the Arcade, and each ticket holder will receive two drink tickets, in ...


Arcade Market Day

Come eat, drink, and be inspired in the Rotunda at the Dayton Arcade! Guests will be able to shop vendors and enjoy live entertainment during this free public market from 11:00 am to 3:00 pm. Guests will enter the main Arcade entry doors at 35 W. Fourth Street.