Entrepreneurs’ Center Tech Start-ups Secure $1.4M in Grant Funding


https://ecinnovates.com/entrepreneurs-center-tech-start-ups-secure-1-4m-in-grant-funding/ October 22, 2024 – Entrepreneurs’ Center (EC) technology clients Bowerbags, Dayton Photonics, Ignyte, BrandRank.AI, DEB Technologies, Astute Signals, and Galvanix secured $1.4M in grant funding from the Ohio Third Frontier Commission. The seven competitively awarded Technology Validation and Start-up Fund (TVSF) grants will help accelerate these Ohio-based companies in the development and commercialization of innovative products that hold the potential to transform …

Student Entrepreneurs Shine at Startup Week’s First Pitch Competition


Local Students Bring Innovation to the Forefront in First-Ever Student Pitch Competition at Startup Week This year’s Launch Dayton Startup Week kicked off in an exciting way with the first-ever Student Pitch Competition co-sponsored by Wright State University and Sinclair Community College, hosted at The Hub in downtown Dayton, Ohio. Nine students from local colleges took to the stage, delivering innovative business ideas in front of a panel …